101000011110100101000110 (bin)
50364506 (oct)
10611014 (dec)
RPA5680 E75S
ERJ-170-200 (short wing)
Embraer ERJ 170-200 LR M
C/N 17000201
2007 (17 Years)
Cycles 5250This reg only
First Seen Mon 4th of Jan 2021
Last Seen Wed 3rd of Jul 2024
RPAMon 4th of Jan 2021Wed 3rd of Apr 2024
CPZThu 26th of Oct 2017Tue 31st of Mar 2020
Previous Registrations
a7f676N612CZCPZ3263Fri 8th of Sep 2017Tue 31st of Mar 2020