dupeGuru Picture Edition – JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP duplicate scanner

dupeGuru Picture Edition (PE for short) is a tool to find duplicate pictures on your computer. dupeGuru PE is a big brother ofdupeGuru. It works like dupeGuru, but is specialized for duplicate pictures matching. dupeGuru PE runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

dupeGuru PE is efficient. Not only can dupeGuru PE find exact matches, but it can also find duplicates among pictures of different kind (PNG, JPG, GIF etc..) and quality. On Mac OS X, dupeGuru PE can scan your iPhoto library.

dupeGuru PE is customizable. You can tweak its matching engine to find exactly the kind of duplicates you want to find. The Preference page of the help file lists all the scanning engine settings you can change.

dupeGuru PE is safe. Its engine has been especially designed with safety in mind. Its reference directory system as well as its grouping system prevent you from deleting pictures you didn’t mean to delete.

Compare any picture format. dupeGuru PE supports JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF and BMP formats. All these formats can be compared together. The Mac OS X version of dupeGuru PE also supports PSD and RAW (CR2 and NEF) formats.

Your iPhoto and Aperture libraries are supported.

Do whatever you want with your duplicates. Not only can you delete duplicates files dupeGuru finds, but you can also move or copy them elsewhere. There are also multiple ways to filter and sort your results to easily weed out false duplicates (for low threshold scans).

Supported languages: English, French, German, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Italian, Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian, Brazilian, Vietnamese.


Source: dupeGuru Picture Edition – JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP duplicate scanner

Tongass Fjords in Prepar3D 2.5

1. Enable Migration Tool

2. Install Tongass Fjords into Prepare3D. At the end of the setup the configuration menu should appear. Save & apply the settings…

3. Follow this guide by Holger Sandmann (I’ve added the file as it is only available if you register to the FSaddon forums):

The active terrain.cfg file is in the main FSX/Prepar3D foler. Note that starting with v2.5 of Prepar3D the location has changed to C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2


1. Make a backup copy of your current terrain.cfg file in case something goes wrong with the manual editing


2. Open the attached file and your current terrain.cfg in Wordpad, Notepad or some other text editor and copy & paste the entire Tongass block at the bottom of your terrain.cfg


3. Scroll to the top of the terrain.cfg and note the number next to “DefaultTextureCount=” then find the first “Tongass Fjords FSX custom texture” entry and change the “xxx” in its [Texture.xxx] line to that number


4. Go through each of the other 39 Tongass Fjords blocks and change their [Texture.xxx] accordingly, increasing each entry’s value by 1; make sure not to end up with any duplicates or missing numbers


5. Scroll back to the top and add 40 to the current value of “DefaultTextureCount=”; save the terrain.cfg and the next time you start FSX/P3D the Tongass X water and other features should display.





4. Start Prepare3D

5. Disable migration tool after you have started Prepar3D (not before).

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